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Getting Started

Not only on the Firebase?

steemconnect-firebase-functions was designed specifically to work on the Firebase Cloud Functions environment.

However, 4 of 5 modules are platform agnostic, so you can use them in any NodeJS application. Only the Firebase module is platform specific.

TypeScript or JavaScript?

The library was written in TypeScript and compiled down to ES2015 for production.

In some cases, it doesn't matter which language you choose, but in case you use steemconnect-firebase-functions on Firebase Cloud Functions environment, I highly recommend using TypeScript.

Firebase Cloud Functions run on Node v6.11.5, so without TypeScript compiler (or Babel) you won't be able to use ES7 and ES8 features such as async/await in your functions. Using them can improve readability of your code.

Also, if you choose TypeScript you will be able to use a bunch of interfaces and types I created for this library. Believe me, it increases developer experience a lot!


Before installing library itself, make sure you have NodeJS and NPM installed:

node --version
# v8.5.0
npm --version
# 5.7.1

Once ensured, you can install the library with a single command:

npm i steemconnect-firebase-functions

Example usage

import { getAuthorizationUrl, Scope } from 'steemconnect-firebase-functions';

const clientId: string = '';
const redirectUri: string = '';
const scope: Array<Scope> = ['vote', 'comment'];
const state: string = 'state342343243242';

const authorizationUrl = getAuthorizationUrl({
// ''


Here are a few terms widely used in this documentation that might be confusing at first:


Event where signed transaction is broadcasted to the network, so that witnesses could validate and include in block.

Source: Steem Developer Portal


A function which takes AccessTokenResponse object as a parameter and broadcasts any type of operations to the Steem blockchain.

Always returns Promise which resolves with the BroadcastResult object or rejects with the OAuth2Error object.

Typically used as an inner function for other functions.


An object (to be more precise, an array) which holds information about data we want to include in a transaction.